Anna Maria Jopek


Born on 14 December 1970 in Warsaw. As a child of soloists of the National Folk Song and Dance Ensemble Mazowsze, she grew up in the world of art.


The artistic and at the same time folk character of the Ensemble left a significant mark on her artistic sensitivity. To a large extent, she has been moving in this aesthetics until today.


The stylistic framework of Anna Maria Jopek’s activity is formed by three areas of musical experience: a love of folklore brought from home, classical music education (she graduated from the piano class at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music) and the love of jazz. These three planes, present in Anna Maria Jopek’s creative output in different proportions, maintain her oeuvre within a broad stylistic spectrum, from (especially in the early period) works in the modern pop convention, through original own compositions, stylistically autonomous, to that part of her output which is often described today as “contemporary eclectic jazz”. A common feature of all her artistic activities is an extraordinary attention to quality – both in the conceptual, performance and interpretation layers, as well as in the production. This level of professionalism, the highest artistic value and constant development have led to the fact that today Anna Maria Jopek has to her credit (apart from the majority of the most important Polish performers) cooperation with such giants of world jazz as: Pat Metheny, Branford Marsalis, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Makoto Ozone or Richard Bona.


Each concert of Anna Maria Jopek, which you can witness, is a small fragment of the path of her development, which she constantly follows.


photo: Robert Wolański